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Cultural Contexts of Their Childhood and Families Uncrc


This special issue of the International Periodical of Early Childhood (IJEC) recognises the 30th anniversary since the rights of children in international law were acknowledged in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Kid (UNCRC; United nations 1989). Since that time, social reform agendas stemming from the Convention take been instrumental in addressing national and international policies in relation to the rights of children and youth. Broadly speaking, the UNCRC addresses children's interests across "the 3 Ps", roofing children'southward rights to provision, protection and participation.

The early years are a "critical menses for realizing children's rights" (United nations 2006, p. three). When UNCRC came into strength in 1989, the Commission on the Rights of the Kid was also established every bit was required by Article 43. This committee monitors progress on the implementation of the UNCRC and also applies a process past which issues of importance to the recognition of children's rights are investigated, either every bit specific provisions identified in UNCRC articles or general issues of implementation. Early childhood organisations and programs catering for children, aged birth to 8 years, at local, country and global levels have become more than active in addressing young children'south rights, resulting in recommendations for how adults are expected to engage with young children.

In this special effect, a range of articles from across the earth are featured that explore how children's rights have been enacted in early childhood didactics, and the challenges and opportunities that are afforded to immature children and their families within a children's rights agenda.

Why Focus on Children'southward Rights in Early Babyhood?

"General Comment No 7: Implementing child rights in early babyhood" (GC7; Un 2006) provided initial directions to understand the various ways by which the rights of young children can exist understood. The GC7 encourages early childhood institutions, policy makers and staff to promote and implement children's rights. Young children are rights holders, and even so their rights are often disregarded due to perceptions of immaturity. Early babyhood is a time of rapid development during which the foundations for communication, connection and identity are congenital. Young children's experiences and development are "powerfully shaped" past cultural behavior, family and community (United Nations 2006, p. iii). From an early age, children are "acutely sensitive to their surroundings" (p. vii) and sympathize others' emotions and behaviours as they build their identity in multiple ways. The family likewise play a significantly larger function in the lives of younger children. Early childhood is an optimal time to accept a positive impact on a young child's well-being and acceptance past others with whom they interact.

Some signatories of the UNCRC, for example, in Nordic countries, have embraced rights-based perspectives as core to policy, curriculum and didactics. In those countries, young children are increasingly recognised every bit active participants in their communities, peculiarly in early childhood programs. In other countries, children'south rights, every bit the basis for early childhood policy and pedagogy, occur in pockets just, with lack of widespread adoption. Professionals working with immature children across organisations and different types of programs can be instrumental in facilitating rights-based perspectives in policy, enquiry and practice.

Children's Rights in Early Childhood Education: Where are We at Now?

While some advancement in the recognition of children's rights has been apparent, challenges remain, peculiarly in the areas of policy and do in early babyhood programs. Research on children's rights in early childhood suggests a paradox, in which tensions be regarding the framing of rights—existence individualistic or with a group-focussed standpoint. On the 1 hand, children's rights are proposed and respected for the benefit accrued to the individual. From this standpoint, there is acknowledgement that children accept rights to make decisions about matters that bear upon them and to experience those rights in their daily lives (United nations 1989). On the other hand, a group-focussed standpoint may exist, in which children's rights are underpinned by a democratic perspective. For example, implementation and education for children'due south rights can be linked to theoretical ideas most global citizenship (Pierce et al. 2010); an emphasis on the future (Correia et al. 2019; Zachrisen 2016); and preferred attitudes of selflessness and altruism (Brantefors and Quennerstedt 2016). The view of "benefit-for-the-greater-good" is oft not seen as being relevant in the lives of immature children. When opportunities for immature children to exert their agency are associated with children being "responsible participants in lodge" (Brantefors and Quennerstedt 2016, p. 8), the potential do good to society might be placed alee of children'south rights as individuals.

Complexities in Individual and Group-Focused Standpoints on Children'south Rights

4 observations highlight the complexities of individualistic and grouping-focused standpoints on rights. The offset ascertainment relates to an individualistic standpoint on children's rights. While aiming to do good children as individuals, UNCRC promoted children's rights every bit shared rights, rather than rights decreed to individuals in a cocky-interested manner. Rights are not accented and cannot be exercised in means that would impairment the child or others (Alderson 2008).

A second ascertainment is that children's rights are intertwined with adult noesis and personal position. The rights motion has been successful in focusing on how children can be "effectively and ethically" involved (Tisdall 2015, p. 87). However, very young children, children living in poverty (see, for instance, Lundy and O'Lynn 2019), children in vulnerable circumstances (see, for example, Alderson et al. 2017), or in contexts in which children and their families are marginalised, are not well positioned to enact rights. The knowledge and position of adults are particularly relevant in affording young children's rights to participation. The process for how children's rights might be enacted, and therefore experienced, is directly associated with "the effect of how far decisions are acted on" (Alderson 2008, p. 80, original accent). Pedagogical approaches do not ever nourish to children'southward views and opportunities for participation, especially in the case of immature children (Lansdown et al. 2014). Challenges in this area relate to constraints to do with organisational systems (Correia et al. 2019) and long-held debates regarding the developing capabilities of immature children (Lansdown 2005). In this book, Sirkko et al. (2019) claiming teachers to consider how their classroom practices may unintentionally reduce children'southward participation, contribution and agency.

A tertiary observation involves the perceived relationship between children'due south rights and responsibility. There is an underlying assumption that children, in order to have rights recognised, must take some kind of responsibility associated with their allocation of such rights (Lundy and O'Lynn 2019). While young children are non ever considered to be holders of rights and, therefore, often relieved of expectations of responsibilities, the rights of children "are non" contingent on obligations or responsibilities. As young children's lives become intertwined with adult lives, for example, through digital technologies and media, opportunities for exerting agency and experiencing responsibility are ofttimes promoted.

A fourth ascertainment relates to the complexities that children's rights are underpinned by a democratic perspective. With this consideration, situations may arise in which decisions need to exist fabricated nigh whose rights are attended to, when those rights conflict with the rights of others. Exercise the rights of the many outweigh the rights of the few? (Johansson et al. 2016). While rights of the majority might seem to outweigh the rights of an individual, such thinking overlooks a primal commitment nearly children's rights: that "rights are rights" and not indulgences. When some sacrifice is required, distribution of rights should exist fair (Freeman 2017). The everyday interactions of young children, and their connections and communications with others, shape and build the values that they volition hold about themselves, and the earth around them.

Children'southward Rights in Early Childhood Pedagogy: What'due south Missing?

Despite calls for rights-based perspectives to be adopted in aspects of children's everyday lives (Theobald et al. 2011), in that location are no systematic frameworks to underpin the juxtaposition and embedding of immature children's rights in early childhood education programs. Greater agreement of the relevant structuring of actions and events, in which children's rights can be embedded, would exist worthwhile. With respect to enquiry, a focus on the varying level of detail about events and actions that back up recognition of children'south rights in practice could be useful.

Fine-grained information and rich descriptions provide depth of understanding, often through minor-scale studies, about children's views and experiences. Such a inquiry approach is well-suited to the field of early childhood education. For example, Church and Bateman (2019), in this volume, present interactional analyses of naturalistic data, to investigate pedagogical approaches to kid participation that show how teachers can build more learner-initiated experiences to support children'south rights in everyday interactions. Mayne and Howitt (2019), in this volume, as well investigate how meaningful research participation with young children tin can be developed through an interactive narrative process, while Knauf (2019) explores data about the nature and availability of play and learning materials in the physical environments of early childhood centres that promote children's rights to participation.

At a macro-scale, through larger-scale and/or longitudinal enquiry, it is possible to explore how children experience and negotiate their rights beyond different contexts, spaces and time. Macro-views provide different understandings about how rights-based approaches can be implemented in early on childhood education. Understanding how the world is observed, noticed and experienced by children beyond the contexts, in which they alive, is the basis of "culture". The different ways of embedding rights across cultures might be researched. Other macro-approaches might track immature children over time, every bit they become youth, to understand how recognition of rights over time impacts everyday lives; or explore how rights-based practices in early on babyhood environments differ, through cross-land analyses. Micro- and macro-investigations offering understandings of the "layers of intersubjective experiences, knowledges and interpretations" (Johansson and Berthelsen 2019, p. 139) within young children's lives.

Policy and the Enactment of Children's Rights

In that location is incongruence between policy initiatives and enactment of children's rights in early on childhood. Early childhood research, policy and instruction would benefit from inquiry that scrutinises how children's rights are incorporated in national and international policies, and steering documents, that focus on early childhood educational activity. Such research may influence and impact by providing recommendations about how rights-based perspectives can become foundational in early childhood policy, curriculum and education.

Recognising and Communicating Children'southward Rights

Important work has been done to progress children's rights in early children education; however, more could be achieved. Globally, 64 one thousand thousand children of primary school historic period or younger practice not admission education (UNESCO Establish for Statistics 2019). As well, disparities exist in the quality of education programs accessed with more than to be done to ensure quality in early childhood education programs (Lundy and O'Lynn 2019). Children'southward rights are not recognised when admission to quality instruction is limited, particularly when children are living in poverty, children are facing bigotry, and for children with disabilities.

Enquiry that explores how immature children's rights are recognised in communities and other spaces is welcome. Lee-Hammond and Jackson-Barrett (2019), in this volume, outline a framework of essential elements necessary for realising Indigenous children'southward linguistic rights. To progress this work, young children might be invited to investigate their own cultures and languages, particularly in education settings.

Pedagogic Approaches for Incorporating Children's Rights

Pedagogy programs that accept a human rights focus require children to be involved equally they take a correct to have a say in matters that impact them, and to ensure that they are listened to and taken seriously (Brantefors and Quennerstedt 2016). A consensus on what participation tin can mean and how it can be best supported in babyhood education is important (Lansdown et al. 2014). Clement (2019), in this book, provides a review of how children'south participation has been addressed in an early on babyhood education setting and what happens when children blueprint and co-create a classroom space.

New Forums or Spaces for Children's Rights Discussions

Digital spaces are enabling opportunities for global discussions well-nigh children's rights. For example, Zanatta et al. (2019), in this volume, offering their reflections on using Twitter equally a social forum to promote understanding of children's rights with professionals across disciplines and countries. This research identifies how media forums (existing and emerging) might be embraced and used to invigorate global attending and awareness on the issues of children's rights. Innovative methods presented provide blueprints for time to come work in this area.


The studies included in this book highlight some of the complexities and intricacies of implementing and researching children's rights through familiar and innovative methods. These studies provide rich description and various practice applications to nowadays snapshots of electric current inquiry on children'southward rights in early on babyhood education, internationally.

Importantly, this special issue begins with a Bulletin Board, an OMEP policy forum authored past Engdahl (2019). It focuses on how UNCRC has been recognised across national contexts and the electric current status of the UNCRC in legislation, policy and ECE curricula across the earth. Engdahl endorses OMEP's ongoing commitment to the implementation and realisation of young children'due south rights.


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Theobald, M. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: "Where are we at in recognising children'south rights in early on babyhood, 3 decades on …?". IJEC 51, 251–257 (2019).

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